Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Oh how I LOVE you. I spent the evening with some of the members of Deltas first chapter as they celebrated their 98th year since being founded on January 13, 1913. The story of Delta is often misunderstood. What most know is that the original Founders were members of the 1912 spring class of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Where other drop the story is really where Delta story begins.
The first public act of the Founders of Delta was to participate in the Women’s Suffrage March in Washington D.C., March 1913. This political act pushed Delta into the forefront of women’s rights (Black and White) in the 1900s. While Delta met some resistance for attending the march, they saw through the message of their presence. Later, Delta Founder Florence Toms commented, “We marched that day in order that women might come into their own, because we believed that women not only needed an education, but they needed a broader horizon in which they may use that education. And the right to vote would give them that privilege.” Years later, the movement would allow women of other countries to claim their own rights. The impact Delta has had on a majority of communities is powerful.
Some of the best women I have ever met have been Deltas. At Arizona State University I have many people I admire and respect, yet, my chapter at Arizona State (MH) has had an ongoing relationship with my Delta sisters there (IK). So much so that my Alpha brothers have all married Deltas! Matter a fact, shout out to the Deltas that always hold me down (Rhoshawndra Carnes, Nikki Cannon, Valerie North, Iota Kappa, Mu Eta, etc.) Anyway, Howard was fantastic! To hear the sisters come together and celebrate the legacy of their founders was off the chain. I didn’t realize this before, but a majority if not all of the Alpha Chapters at Howard like to sing in celebration. I have attached a few songs that the ladies performed today. 🙂
“Doing Our Thing” : by the Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta (Click for audio)
These sisters really impressed me today. I can’t wait to go back! I will be doing a NPHC photo shoot at some point for the upcoming Mis-Education of the Black Greek Road Trip later this year. The legacy of Delta will hopefully be filled with another 98 years of success and growth. One thing that allows me to keep my head about the future of BGLOs are the people I meet. People are so talented, blessed, dedicated and honorable and it is one of the reasons I know Beyond This Place can help. By bringing others stories to light, I hope to bring some thought to our culture. I told someone today that the project wasn’t to ‘present then end the dialogue but rather to introduce the dialogue’. I’m looking forward to the tales we can tell. I kind of like that.
I’d like to thank the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta’s Alpha Chapter for allowing me to spend some time with them. Check out another, and my favorite, Delta song/step!!!! I had so much fun out there with them today!!! 98 years!!! Congrats ladies. 🙂
“Founders Step”: by the Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta (Click for audio)
Below are other images from the day:
Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and visiting sorrors on the yard after the Founders Day celebration.
Sisters greet each other before the ceremony.
In front of the famous Founders Library clock tower.
Cutie pies. Yes, that is the official caption.
This photo is for the sista on the right. Last but not least a shout out to you, Javetta, for doing what very few special members do, lead your chapter. Keep setting the example and be the brightest light that you could ever be for others.
Not sure what happened to my comments! I loved all your responses. We’re trying to resolve the issue now! Until then, Comments are still active!
Jarrad thanks for the shout out IK loves and appreciates you too! Wonderful piece!
i see you sorors 🙂
big ups to the photographer–
great images !
i’m looking forward to the
mis-education of bglo project;
its an on-going topic w/in
my chapter.
This was a nice pice. Good work! Congrats to my beautiful Sorors!
Mr Jarrad Henderson!! I’ve known you before I even knew about Delta let alone Greeklife. I knew you were an exceedingly intelligent individual, but never really saw your works.. this was beautiful! IK loves you! 🙂
-Tierra Ellis
Jarrad this was beautiful, I love your work! IK loves you also! Congrats Sorors on 98 years of excellence…OO-OOP!!
OO-OOP to my sorors!!!
Great pictures!!!!
I love this dedication and appreciate that someone took out time to recognize the work and sisterhood we do and have. That you for giving our Alpha Chapter a Present that can never be replaced your Time!!! Thanks to the Alpha Chapter for REPRESENTING!!!
The steps that the Delta Sigma Theta do are so amazing!! And I can not wait to become an Delta!!! You all bring so much good things to the floor and people are not ready for it…
Looking at my SORORS, makes my heart so happy! This display rings true EVERYTIME you encounter new Sorors! #IlovebeingaDeltagirl